- and yetadv.可是;
- and what not此外还有;之类;
- and that而且,并且;
- by and large总的来说,大体而言;大体上;大致如此;
- brick and brick无灰浆砌筑;
- boom and bust经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环;
- day and night夜以继日地, 日夜;不舍昼夜;日日夜夜;白天黑夜;
- employee potential员工潜能;
- employee ownership员工所有制;
- employee consultation services员工咨询服务;
- flotsam and jetsamn.失事船只残骸,流浪者,无价值物;
- flora and faunan.动植物;
- hop step and jump三级跳;
- high and mightyadv.非常,很;趾高气扬;神气活现;高傲的人;
- health physicsn.<美>保健物理(学),有害辐射防护学;
- health centern.卫生所;
- health care医疗保健;
- hard and fast(规则等)不能变通的, 不容更改的;
- knife and fork(西餐)刀和叉,一副刀叉(餐具);
- move heaven and earth想方设法,竭尽全力;移山倒海;
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